In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America has been played by Chris Evans since 2011, making his debut in the film Captain America: The First Avenger. In Avengers: Endgame, our hero returns to try to reverse the decimation caused by Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War.
This 1:10 Art Scale Deluxe version displays him ready for battle with a variety of options including a hand holding Mjolnir and an extra arm holding a broken shield.
Avengers... ASSEMBLE!
The Captain America (Deluxe) Art Scale Statue features:
Limited edition
Based on original movie references
Made in polystone
Hand painted
Includes arm with shield, arm with Mjolnir, arm with broken shield and pieces of broken shield and an extra arm with no accessories
This statue is part of a battle diorama based on the Avengers: Endgame movie
Product Size:
Height: 8.3" (210.82 mm) | Width: 3.9" (99.06 mm) | Depth: 5.9" (149.86 mm) | Weight: 1.35 lbs (0.61 kg) *
Dimensional Weight
0.00 lbs (0 kg) [Intl. 0.00 lbs (0 kg)] *
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