From the highly anticipated 2nd installment of the HARRY POTTER spin-off series, FANTASTIC BEASTS: THE CRIMES OF GRINDELWALD, this life-size display includes the "Newt" character (as portrayed by Eddie Redmayne), as well as the "Niffler", both placed on a film-themed base. "Niffler" can be removed from the base and be displayed on its own, with a small base that is included in the set.
Newt's wand lights up, adding an authentic and fantastical mood to the display.
Statue Dimensions:
H: 85” (including base - 73” without base)
W: 38"
D: 20"
Height of "Niffler": 12"
Shipping Dimensions:
Box 1: 51" x 17" x 18" - 42 lbs
Box 2: 53" x 19" x 18" - 31 lbs
Box 3: 43" x 25" x 18" - 53 lbs
Box 4: 14" x 12" x 21 - 17 lbs
1:1 Newt and Niffler statue Muckle FANTASTIC BEASTS 2 Eddie Redmayne