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From the latest installment in the ALIEN saga comes a life-size replica of the Alien creature (also known as the Xenomorph), as created by the film’s antagonistic android “David” (Michael Fassbender), the pre-curser to the H.R. Giger-designed creature from the seminal 1979 Science Fiction classic, “Alien”.
The statue stands an impressive 98” tall and includes a custom base, which lights up to douse the creature in eerie green light, evocative of the haunting tone set throughout the film.
The Alien was created from the film’s actual production files, utilizing state-of-the-art 3D printing technology, to assure maximum screen accuracy.
An intricate and amazing replica of one of cinema’s most terrifying creatures, now available to terrorize your home.
"Don't let the bedbugs bite."

Statue Dimensions:

H: 98" (incl. base; statue only: 89")
W: 59" (incl. base)
D: 35” (incl. base)
Head length: 32”

Shipping Dimensions:
1 box;
37" x 26" x 81" - 330 lbs


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